Cyan Sphere of Doom Wiki

Welcome to the Ε.Α.Β.Ε Wiki[]

A personal wiki to archive all material relevant to Ε.Α.Β.Ε., or ἕκαστος ᾰ̓λλοτρῐ́ῳ βάρβαρος ἐστίν (hekastos allotrioi barbaros estin), universe. The Greek phrase is the translation provided by a user to the phrase "Quisque est barbarus alio," the motto of the mod Europa Barbarorum. It was formerly known as Cyan Sphere of Doom universe, before the entire species of Spheres were overhauled and read de-kirbytized into Lagikoi.

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The genesis of this universe is the Greenfoot Scenario, the Mundane Exploration of Cyan Sphere of Doom.

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Early development Commoners' Legion, before overhaul of Spheres into Lagikoi
