Cyan Sphere of Doom Wiki

Generators are tech structures employed by the Posterity of the Sentinels.


Electric power has been critical to human society after Tesla's contribution, and the extraterrestrial humans are no exception to the reliance on electric power. Lagikoi mastery of electric power was there, although their units differed from those of the humans, and humans brought with them their own generators to power their settlements right after their landing on Polysiton. Of course, the youngness of Polysiton proved problematic, as Polysiton thus did not have fossil fuel to fuel conventional generators.

Fortunately, while nuclear fusion was only recently made commercially viable in Arche Hellenike, the Posterity had fuel cell technologies, and thus relied on stellar power and geothermal power of Lampardion to electrolyze Polysiton's plentiful water to obtain hydrogen. With hydrogen in plentiful amount, the generators can burn the hydrogen easily transported through underground pipes for efficient, clean energy.


Lagikos Exegetes[]

Our allies are more reliant on electric power than we are, and they use hydrogen they produce throughout their underground bases to power their outlying bases. These generators are compact and efficient, providing power to support their advanced weapons.

Posterity Mentis[]

Our technologies are quite energy-intensive, and fortunately we have the means to produce hydrogen in plentiful supply. The hydrogen then is used to power readily made generators which allow us to deploy more advanced weapons of war. Should the need arise, these generators may be upgraded with improved turbines.

Infantid Smartsmith[]

These bad guys have these generator thingies, which basically allow them to build boomy, speedy things and basically things that they'll use to shoot at us. These things are not particularly sturdy, so we should take them out, as if they don't have these things they tend to use less powerful guns and less boomy cars.

Imperial Grammateus[]

The allies of the indigenous Lagikoi have embraced clean energy, and have established infrastructure to produce hydrogen. They power outlying bases with hydrogen which are combusted in these readily made generators. Should they become our allies, make sure to protect these, and should they be our foes, destroy them to prevent them from deploying powerful weapons.

Libertarian Adviser[]

These collectivists buy the clean energy bullshit that the statists peddle. Bah, who cares if a little pollution occurs when it grants us so much? Regardless, these are good for what they're worth powering their advanced weapons. I suppose if you already have the infrastructure to use clean energy, you might as well use them I guess.

In-game Appearance[]

Polysiton's Trials: Commoners' Legion[]

Generator appear as a tech structure for the Posterity of the Sentinels. A generator provides 1 power for the hub to which it is attached to, allowing other facilities tied to the hub to produce more sophisticated units and equipment. This mechanic is identical to UNSC generator in Halo Wars, although Posterity hubs can also be upgraded to provide innate power resources to reduce reliance on the generator structures.

