Cyan Sphere of Doom Wiki

Rhabdos Aretes, meaning the Wand of Arete, is an anti-tank weapon employed by the Lagikoi.

The rocket-propelled missile launchers were a staple weapon for the Lagikoi, hailing from the mounted heavy guns the Lagikoi wielded against the thick-skinned Pachyderms in the Pachydermic War. The Lagikoi developed explosive weapons as well in an attempt to push back the pachyderms, and thus by the time of the Koinon Syllogon, the Lagikoi had the technology to build basic rocket-propelled grenade and a small launcher. While lacking in comparison to the later Terran counterparts, these were effective enough against the scantily armored Infantids and their equally vulnerable vehicles and Areus called upon some militiamen in his expedition in Arrybia. Areus made further improvement to the technology, developing various rockets including homing ones, as well as reusable launchers and accessories. However, the Rhabdos Aretes specifically refers to the one-shot weapon, and the term was dubbed by Parmenion Argyrios who used the weapon to great extent during his defense of southern Megale Patris until the Battle of Makrokeraia broke the morale of the poleis.

In Commoners' Legion, Rhabdos Aretes is the cheap and easily acquired anti-tank weapon of choice for the TIA. Rhabdos Aretes can be upgraded to become an MANPAD as well, granting TIA some defense against aerial threats as well as to supplement their bid for aerial superiority.


Its name is a reference to RPG-7's nickname, the Allah's magic wand.
